Taxation of income from capital reduction
When a company is set up, the share capital is formed by the contributions of the founders. Throughout the life of the company, the partners can increase the capital by new contributions but also by incorporation of reserves. The capital can also be reduced. In some cases, the income from a ...
Tax deductibility of operating expenses
The tax law allows companies to deduct operating expenses. These expenses are generated by the company in order to benefit it. An expense borne by the company but for the private needs of its manager is not deductible.
For example, the manager of a company (SA, SARL) invites a client for lunch ...
Building sites abroad and the notion of permanent establishment
When a French company works on an assembly construction site in Luxembourg, is that company responsible for paying taxes in Luxembourg?
When a Luxembourg company works on a construction site in France, is that company responsible for paying taxes in France?
The answers to these questions can be ...
Luxembourg SOPARFI holding company taxation
Commercial and financial activities coexist in SOPARFI with the characteristic of having different tax regimes.
Exemption on income from IP for groups of companies
Under certain conditions, Luxembourg tax law exempts income from IP at the rate of 80% for Luxembourg taxpayers (see article 50bis of the L.I.R. at the end of the article).
This exemption is on the condition that the IP rights (patents, trademarks, software, copyright, domain name, designs, ...
Taxation on liquidation income
What is the taxation on liquidation income? Is the liquidation loss deductible? LPG Fiduciary answers you about the taxation on liquidation income.
Taxation on IP (brands, patents and software)
Luxembourg has sought to foster innovation and competitiveness by making itself more attractive in terms of taxation on income from intellectual property (IP) with a partial exemption on income earned from patents, brands and software.
As a complement to its participation exemption for Soparfi ...
Taxation on e-commerce in Luxembourg
E-commerce has been recognized as a sector of growth and is being encouraged by the political economy of Luxembourg. We have interviewed an expert to clarify the tax laws related to to e-commerce in Luxembourg, as well as other countries.
According to international tax law, a company ...