LPG luxembourg and its company incorporation services

LPG Fiduciaire offers a vertically integrated service for company incorporation and address registration in Luxembourg.

Companies wishing to establish their headquarters in Luxembourg can do so at the offices of LPG Fiduciaire by signing of a written contract establishing a Luxembourg corporate address (this “domiciliation” contract must be drawn up in Luxembourg).

Soparfi, holding companies and private wealth management companies can register their address with LPG Fiduciaire. Businesses which are temporarily inactive and therefore do not require office space or companies which have just been set up and are awaiting their business license can also advantageously register their corporate address with Fiduciaire LPG through a domiciliation contract.

Companies which register their address with LPG Fiduciaire can enjoy access to meeting rooms or small office spaces where they can hold their General Shareholders meetings or Board of Directors meetings, for example.

For businesses needing permanent office space, LPG has developed a close relationship with a business center in Luxembourg offering a range of work spaces to suit their clients' particular needs.

It must be noted that registering a corporate address in Luxembourg is strictly regulated by the government under the law of May 31, 1999.

This law defines which professionals are licensed to register headquarters in Luxembourg (including chartered accountants, lawyers and financial services professionals) and imposes certain obligations on these professionals to ensure that these companies do not intend to participate in money laundering.

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